entertainment resource GmbH



The design phase is one of the most important steps. Based on your requirements, we define the building blocks for your new attraction. During this phase we start a creative brainstorming taking your ideas and preferences, our suggestions and the given parameters of the environment. We start working on an empty room principle where we get an empty space and start planning and designing your facility.

In a so called pre-visualization process we play with several building blocks and find the best solution for your seat structures or motion system placements, rigging and gantry elements, audio, projection and show control systems. Based on your preferences we design the theatre layout with or without in-theatre effects in order to provide you the potential outlook of your venue.

Step 1: Defining the building blocks

  • Defining the seat structure
  • Defining the placements of the motion system
  • Designing the rigging and gantry elements
  • Designing the projection, audio and show control system
  • Designing in-theatre 4D effects

Step 2: Designing the theatre layout
